Saturday, March 17, 2007

Photo Hunters - Drink

"Drink" was the theme of the week for the Photo Hunters. So many interesting and delicious possibilities. After giving it some thought, I took two of my favorite guys on The Hunt this evening and we went here:

Our favorite home-town coffee shop

At the counter:
I ordered my favorite selection.

The Hunt - Drink


#1 Son likes Chai as well, but over ice.

Cool & refreshing.

Hot chocolate for Shorty and a HUGE cookie (which he insisted that I photograph before he devoured it.)

I love how his cup is just his size

TNChick made a great choice for her drink this week and has a wondeful picture of it.

Grab the Scavenger Hunt code.

Join the blogroll. Visit participants.


A. said...

Great pictures, lovely boys!

barman said...

My but you guys have a mighty fancy coffee house there. I have never tried Chai, I should try it some time. What excellent pictures for the hunt. Now I have to go to my local Coffee house. Maybe today will be my Chai day...

Anonymous said...

Oh - Chai Tea is my absolute favorite!!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed those - looks like a great way to spend an evening with some special guys...

Philosophical Karen said...

Oh, I love chai! Your boys are cute.

Unknown said...

I love family and kid photos. Thanks for including those..Great job this week

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Thanks so much for the welcome :)
Cute pictures of the kids, and that cookie looks yummy!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific photos! Your sons are very cute.

srp said...

That is quite the fancy coffee house. Starbucks isn't that fancy. Neither is my kitchen counter where most of the coffee gets made.

It looks like your hunt helpers had a great time and I agree with your little one... that cookie is quite photogenic.

Anonymous said...

I am not a coffee drinker, but that coffee shop looks neat! Thanks for sharing the great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I love coffee shops too. Your "guys" are so adorable. I can understand why he wanted his cookie photographed - it's pretty. Wonderful photos. Have a great weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

Looks like a nice place for refreshing drinks. It's great that everyone in the family can get their own favorite drink.

Anonymous said...

I miss all the best hunts! When's the picture for fresh baked chocolate chip cookies coming up!? I want to help with that one! :-)

Linda said...

Looks like it was a fun hunt for both you and the boys!

Andree said...

Coffee shops are so popular now!And yours looks like a lot of fun. But what is "chai"? Have a great weekend!

PastormacsAnn said...

I'm not a coffee drinker either but this place has a wide assortment of teas, cocoas and other other goodies (hence the cookie). Chai is sweetened black tea with spices (like cinnamon, cardamom, & cloves) and milk. Spicy and delicious.

Shelby said...

super photos!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - looks like you were having fun

Wishing you happy days ahead

Delete said...

Oh that looks fun! And to include the boys too! What a great activity to do together!

Anonymous said...

Tall, non-fat Starbuck's latte has become a treat now that they've jacked up the prices once again! Thanks for stopping by.

Cherrye said...

What a cute little coffee shop...and cute kids. Congrats on getting your new ones soon.

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice selection of pix!

Mine's up :)


That's a lovely coffee shop and you have wonderful kids.
Thanks for the visit.

Ingrid said...

Looks very comfy this café !

Jose said...

Coffe & hot chocolate, how can anyone go wrong with drinks like that. Nice pictures. Cheers!

LibertyBelle said...

Wht cute kids and photos!
Chai is a great drink.
happy weekend

Unknown said...

the chai and the cookie look so yummy! i want one now having had nothing yet to eat!