Saturday, December 15, 2007

Photo Hunters - Small

"Small" was the Photo Hunters theme of the week. So much room for creativity, this topic is wide-open.

Since August we've had a new small person in our house again. We have small things scattered all over. Here are the photos I've chosen for "small." I've included some big things/people, by way of comparison.

Photo Hunt - Small

That's one pair of small sneakers.

And here is the smallest person in our home, pictured with her sisters...she's such a squirt.

But what she lacks in size, she MORE than makes up for in personality.

There is an interesting picture of "small" over at TN Chick's place. Don't forget the Photo Hunters Site-of-the-Day - drop by Pea in a Pod for a look at an amazing photo of "small."


Ingrid said...

That's a very cute interpretation of small !!

kljs said...

I agree. Cute interpretation of small!! Great shots too!

Natalie said...

So little and cute...I love those shoes!

My Photo Hunt is up too! :)

Lynn said...

I like the second picture with that identical pose and sweet smiles. :)

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. there's sure a big difference in the size. Wonderful shots. Thanks for the support too :)

Anonymous said...

The small sneakers is so cute!!

yung .

jams o donnell said...

Aww she's a little cutie! I love the sneakers shot. Happy weekend

Hootin Anni said...

Both photos are awesome...but the one with the sneakers....well, that just made me grin!

Cute girls!! Two awesome photos.

Beck said...

Look at your beautiful girls! We have a little firecracker at our place, too.

Sarge Charlie said...

great photos and very lucky children, great parents make happy children.

Susanne said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Momgen said...

Oh thats cute, pretty and really small.

Melli said...

That's sweet! I love to see my granddaughter's shoes mixed up with the bunch of adult shoes! Cute cute pics - both!

Angeline said...

so fun! that's a great way to bring in some fun with different aspects of life.

have you done or are you going to do 'big' next?

Mommy Lutchi said...

what a lovely shots, thanks for sharing. Mine is up at 4Seasons Of My Life
and 2Cents Worth . Hope you can visit me too. Happy Hunting !!!

jenny said...

Cute little girl you have there! You can tell from her photo she has that big personality.

So nice of you to visit my site!

Anonymous said...

The shoes are cute, but the little girl is cuter! You can tell she is a little firecracker!

JC said...

Wonderful shots! Before you know it your little squirt will be all grown up...

Anonymous said...

I love your take on this theme. Of course, I always love Lem-Lem photos!! She has that same little attitude as her sisters. So fun!!

alisonwonderland said...

great shots! your little one is a cutie!

Cynthia said...

Love the shoes, so cute!

**"Liza"** said...

awww thats really cute! ;) have a great weekend! Mine is up too

Carl said...

I have but one word to offer in regards to your PhotoHunt entry: CUTE!

Mine is viewable at:

Anonymous said...

love your "comparison" photo to show how tiny some things really are. (Don't have Blogger account so can find my post here.
If you have a moment, take a look at my Christmas Tree post - am curious to see what kind of present you might leave LOL - have a great weekend.

PowersTwinB said...

Your three girls are just adorable! I loved how you compared the shoes too! Great for this weeks them! Thanks for visiting my hunt this weekend