Thursday, February 26, 2009

Love Thursday - Follow Your Heart

I can hardly believe how quickly time seems to fly by. Wasn't it just Saturday? And now the week is almost over.

It's Love Thursday. A very good day. Over at Chookooloonks Karen is talking about following your heart.

My followed my heart when it told me that, though it sounded crazy, we needed another son and not just another daughter.

I followed my heart to Ethiopia.

I followed my heart and it lead me to this amazing incredible guy.

Here's to Love Thursday and to following your heart.


Anonymous said...

Most times your heart will lead you right. I still haven't decided who's the luckier ;-)

Thanks for pointing me to Sweetly... I think you have a budding artist in your midst!

Susanne said...

Your heart did good!

Cakes said...
