Photo Hunters were searching for a photo of "empty" this week. It was a no-brainer for me.
The Hunt - Empty
I really liked TNChick's take on this week's theme! Her picture is priceless.
Grab the Scavenger Hunt code.

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Haha, that's PRICELESS!! Mine looks a lot like that too :)
ROTF!! Now that is a great empty idea. Thanks to my two sons and household errands, my wallet is always empty. I love your idea. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.
That was one of my choices!!!
You have a wonderful site - so very creative...
Hahah! Now why didn't I think of that! that's perfect!
yep i can relate to this shot. well done :)
Excellent idea!
Hi Ann,
Thanks for stopping by my place.I like your choice of words , pawed,in your comment .Have you heard anymore on the adoption.Know you will be guilded in the right direction.
My sister is a social worker and she
works at a catholic adoption agency in ASHEVILLE,N.C.She gets to travel to China, Russia and other places with her job.She loves this field, since she adopted 3 children.
I will be back to read your blog.
Great picture! We are also adopting. Our adoption blog is at
Hope your wait is quick
LOL.... I had thought of doing an empty wallet, but decided it was just too depressing. Way to go!
I know the feeling...How does it always happen so fast?
Hahaha, that’s great. Love the choice.
Happy Saturday!
LOL!!!! I suspect many of us know exactly what you mean!!! Have a wonderful weekend, Ann, and thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek!
LOL! My husband suggested that I post his wallet for my 'empty' picture.
That is always sad when we see that kind of empty. Hopefully it does not last to long. Very nice photo for the hunt.
Very clever! And I feel your pain...
Hah! I know the feeling!
Great idea for today's theme :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wonderful idea for the theme...I can relate! Mine looks like that most of the time.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for coming by My Photo Blog.
Awww yes, something I can really relate to. Good job! Great adaptation of theme.
Your wallet sure is shiny on the inside :) Mine is usually filled with paper and bits of candy. Heh. Nice shot!
HAHAHA.....too funny! Mine is often empty as well. Great photo, thank you for sharing! My picture is up for this week also. Happy Hunting!
Oh yes! That's a very good Empty!
Happy Hunting :)
Great photo! Mine is empty most all the time! :)
what a great take on EMPTY! Thanks for visiting my blog today!
Ouch - that "empty" always hurts.
that always happens to me! great choice...happy hunting!
HAHAHA! Mom is still lafin! She knows exactly how you feel!
Thanks for visiting my bloggie.
Great choice for the theme! I hope you can fill it again soon!
Looks just like my wallet! Perfect pic to go with the theme, Ann!
Thanks for the visit. Isn't the wallet always empty? Unfortunately, mine is too.
Yes this was a good idea since mine looks like that more than the other way!!
Thanks for stopping by as always..Sandy
I thought about this idea and figured it'd be used a lot, surprisingly this is the first time I've seen it. I guess we can all relate, though! :)
Wonderful shot. Happy Hunting and thanks for dropping by!
I can certainly relate. Did some shopping today and when I got home I realized my wallet is empty and needs replenishing. :)
feels like my wallet lately. ;-)
Unique photo for the hunt.
thanks for visiting too!
That happens all to quickly, doesn't it? Great photo for today. Thanks for visiting!
LOL - we ca relate to that one. Thanks for stopping bye
Yep we've all had that experience. Now if only that money tree out the back..........!! Happy weekend.
You and I had the exact same idea and how funny that both our wallets were empty in time for the photo hunt!! LOL Love it! I went to the bank after lunch so now it's not so empty anymore! hehe
Such a great, GREAT idea! And so wonderfully illustrated with an empty silk purse!
My wallet looks like that, too! Great choice for the hunt. I love it!
Now this is something I can identify with having just come back from a trip to Florida. I'm just about broke! LOL.
I thought of putting up something similar, but went a different route. Please come and check it out.
I cannot believe I didn't think of that, it certainly would have been easy to do, just open my wallet, photo ready. Clever you are.
Thanks for visiting mine.
hahahahhaha..good one!..I think mine's too..paycheck will be in 2 days time..tick tock tick tock
Have a good weekend!
Ouch, and empty wallet is never fun.
Hope you have a happy weekend anyway. :)
hehe, great take on this week's theme :) So true in this household too!
Mine is always like that. Don't know what I would do if anything was in it!
You made me laugh out loud! What a great take on the theme! I think we can all relate to the feeling every once in awhile. Mine is up if you have time to stop by.
Oh oh ... time to hit a bank machine!
Mine's up too :)
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