Saturday, October 04, 2008

Photo Hunters - Sad

Photo Hunters were looking for something "sad" this week.

These are photos of drawings done by my 11 year old boy, #1Son. His God-given talent amazes me. All of these characters express our theme to me in some way. Be it their mouths or eyes or just their faces, they all express sadness to me. (Don't worry - he draws plenty of "happy" too!)

Photo Hunt - Sad

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.

David Weatherford

Thanks to TNChick, there is more sadness here.


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

WOW! Your son is real good. The expressions of the eye are pretty real.
Have a HAPPY weekend and not a SAD one! :)

Hootin Anni said...

I love these Ann!!!

Yep, we both went for 'sad sketches'!!!

Happy weekend.

philos said...

Excellent drawings... and he draws emotions really well IMHO.

Anonymous said...

#1 son has a lot of talent! Wonderful work... hope he keeps at it... if he didn't, that would be really sad!

Wade Huntsinger said...

WOW, does he have a talent! Very cool

jams o donnell said...

Great drawings. He loves the anime style. Happy weekend

Sarge Charlie said...

excellent Miss Ann, these are good.

Gattina said...

Done by an eleven year old ?? that's absolutely wonderful ! you should send him to an art school, he really has talent !

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Outstanding drawings! Those big eyes do look sad.

I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and post your link.

bonggamom said...

Oh my gosh he is talented!

(Sorry you haven't heard from me lately, I've been dropping by your site often but for some reason I can't seem to leave comments. Some browser glitch, I expect)

Susanne said...

Oh my word, he's only 11? He is amazing!

Jane said...

What a talented kid!

Carver said...

Wow he's very talented. Amazing skill for his age. I agree that the eyes express sadness and a few look angry. It's wonderful that he can get so much emotion into the faces.

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Amazing talent for an 11 year old. He can study faces and expressions to draw like that. He's is not only talented but sensitive too.
You arr ethe proud mom of a wonderchild.
Have a great weekend!

storyteller said...

Wow … your son IS talented … thanks for sharing these wonderful sketches. My ‘sad’ Photo Hunt is at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,

JO said...

those are awesome drawings! i wish i have the talent to draw like that.

Leslie: said...

As a teacher, I can tell your son has been blessed with a gift. I hope he continues to develop it in a way that he might give others joy. :D

Leslie said...

Very beautiful drawings for this week! :)

Lisa said...

Your son is very talented and has done a great job with these drawings. Yes they fit the theme perfectly. Thanks for your prayers and have a happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

He has some amazing work!! I'm impressed.

Patricia said...

Wow, Ann! Your son is very talented. The characters do have sadness in their eyes, don't they?

Hope your weekend is filled with joy!

Gabriel said...

What an amazingly talented son you have! I wish I could dry anything near that good. Wow...

Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you have a great week!

My post...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful drawings! I wish I were that talented. I can't even draw stick figures. My sad photo is here.

Heart of Rachel said...

Your son is very talented. Those are wonderful drawings. The drawings does reflect some sadness.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are amazing!!! I cannot believe an 11 year old drew them!

I am excited to read through your blog. My husband and I have a 17 month old and would love to adopt from Ethiopia as well.. we had the privilege of going with World Vision to South Africa and Zimbabwe while I was pregnant and it changed our lives!

jmb said...

Sad drawing, maybe, but don't you be sad because he is very talented.
Have a good weekend Ann

ipanema said...

wow, such talent! thanks for the visit. :)